Just One More Thing
GARY: I must say one more thing. Jacob, while we were in Yarsa, I gave you an assignment. What was it?
JACOB: My dad gave me the task to go pick cinnamon bark leaves and wintergreen plants. When we went to pick the wintergreen, I actually found a new plant with possibly a new oil that may be coming out.
GARY: Maybe.
JACOB: We don’t know exactly what it is, but it has similar traits like wintergreen. It grows in similar places and is within the same gene family. So, I found a new oil.
GARY: Yes, it was very exciting. From my hike into the mountains and Jacob’s excursion looking for plants, we have found 12 beautiful aromatic plants right around the village of Yarsa, where we’re building the homes. So guess what? In February I took a distillery to Nepal, and those of you who go with us will get to help distill oils in Nepal while you’re there building homes. So that’s a little extra frosting on the cake.

Jacob climbed up and down hillsides looking for cinnamon bark and wintergreen. He may have discovered a new variety of wintergreen!