Worldwide Travel Dreams

Gary told Mary he would one day have a distillery in Oman. Here he is in Salalah, Oman, at the Young Living distillery where, indeed, frankincense and myrrh are distilled. The oil is then shipped to the Young Living warehouse in Utah.
I dreamed about exploring the jungle and finding new plants, and I made eight expeditions into the jungle in Ecuador, three into Peru, one into Somalia, two into Yemen, two to Socotra Island, many into Saudi Arabia, and many into other places in the world.
I dreamed about going to Arabia to study frankincense, and I went there in 1985. When I was there and saw the frankincense, I had another dream that I shared with my sweetheart. I said, “Honey, one day I’m going to come back and build a distillery and have a farm here.” Did we do it? Yes, we did.
In 2010 I built a distillery in Salalah, Oman; and later we built the farm there where we grow our frankincense trees. How many Diamonds were there and planted frankincense trees last year? Yes. It was fantastic. Thank you.