YL Einkorn Fields and Products

Here I’m cutting einkorn at our farm in France, where we made the Einkorn Flour and the Einkorn Pancake Mix.

This is the old steam engine that we use to thresh with. We’re rebuilding it so that we can get it back into service.
Einkorn has only 14 chromosomes; other wheats/grains have 28 to 42. The extra chromosomes create new proteins that man was never meant to consume. These foreign proteins cause confusion in the digestive system and increase small intestine permeability, which starts autoimmunity and inflammation throughout the body.
We also gave you your newest product, Einkorn Granola. I had this for breakfast yesterday morning, and the only reason I didn’t have it this morning is because Jacob and Josef ate all of it. You’re going to have problems in your home if you don’t put it in unmarked containers that the kids don’t know about, so beware. It is so delicious that they will eat it like trail mix. It’s just wonderful. Great taste, very satisfying, nutritionally and in every aspect.
Then we brought you one more. This came out of popular requests for another pasta. Isn’t your Einkorn Rotini Pasta fun and delicious!
How many of you like Wolfberry Crisp Bars? We added some einkorn to the Wolfberry Crisp Bars, because the einkorn is so balancing and nutritious. I just want all of you as often as possible to be eating foods that contain einkorn. What would you think if I decided to put a little chocolate on the outside? Yeah, I did that. So, they’re yummy. Again, they disappear very quickly. So you will enjoy your new Wolfberry Crisp Bars. We also did one other thing. We reduced the sugars by 70 percent, creating a really beautiful, healthy, and enjoyable treat.

Einkorn growing on the farm in Mona.