Mayan Health Use of Eucalyptus

Eucalyptus globulus may be the eucalyptus species used today by the Mayan people of Central America.
One final tree needs to be mentioned that still plays a role in Mayan healing today—eucalyptus. Ancient Mayan use of the eucalyptus tree is not documented. However, the medicinal practices of the Mayan people are passed as oral tradition from one generation to the next, and eucalyptus is certainly used by today’s Mayan healers.
The Maya Health Toolkit for Medical Providers discusses the use of leaves from the eucalyptus tree. Unfortunately, this list does not name the botanical name of the eucalyptus used today.
This list does note that modern-day Mayan healers use eucalyptus for skin infections, arthritis, bronchial infections, asthma, pneumonia, and lice infestations.
Again, we mention: Statements about ancient or current Mayan spiritual beliefs and medicinal practices are merely descriptive. No statement is intended as medical advice.
Editor’s note: This concludes Gary’s presentation on Mayan Health.