Member Memory: Sharon E. and Gary
Since Gary’s passing, many members have shared their memories of him and appreciation for his legacy. Today, we share another member’s memories with you as a way not only to keep his legacy alive but also to inspire others seeking wellness and purpose. This one comes from Sharon E.

Sharon posing with a life-size cutout of Gary at the 2014 International Grand Convention.
I will never forget meeting Gary at his farm in Mona, Utah, in June of 2014. I was there with my leader as part of Young Living’s 20th Anniversary Convention! It was my first convention since joining in 2006. At the special Farm Day, I had so much fun checking everything out and trying healthy foods made with the oils!
After enjoying a great performance by Crystal Gayle, I got to meet her backstage! I had pictures taken with her and Poppy, my PomChi alert service dog. Then I spotted Gary and went over to him. He was talking with some other people, but eventually I got to thank him for what he has done for me with Young Living! As busy a day as he was having, he still took the time to listen to me. He even posed for photos with me and my Gold leader, Jesama Mullen. It was a very emotional meeting.
I will never forget Gary’s sincerity! He was so caring and sweet! He told us his vision. Meeting Gary at his farm in Mona was the highlight of the whole convention for me! I’m so glad I have that memory of him. I will never forget him, and I miss him deeply. I’m very sad that he is gone! He touched my life that day and told me what a good job I was doing. I will carry his talk with me forever!
Gary Young was a very special man, a very rare person, the kind you just don’t meet every day. I will always be a YL member and do my part to carry on Gary’s legacy of getting Young Living essential oils into every home around the world!