Learn to Show Gratitude

This photo of Gary is with one of his horses at the balsam and cedar harvest. Many years ago, when he was cutting hay with a team of horses for his father, he received the one and only compliment his father ever gave him.
The single most important ingredient in the formula for success is knowing how to get along with people. Without it, most achievements are not possible, and even what we do achieve will feel hollow. Show gratitude to the loyal people in your inner circle today.
This is an area in my life that I have to really work at, because I get so dialed in to what I’m doing that sometimes I don’t take the time to back up and really show gratitude and appreciation to some of my closest people. I know that part of the reason why is because of what I’ve had to deal with in my life.
The only compliment my father gave me was when I was 9 years old. My sister Nancy’s father-in-law lived down the canyon from us, and he bought a tractor that later broke down. He came up to the farm where I was out in the field cutting hay with the team. Dad was bringing out my lunch and another team, and we were changing teams as this man came by. He said, “You know, my tractor broke down and I’ve got hay that I’ve got to cut, or I’m going to lose it.”
Dad said, “Yeah.”
So he said, “Well, I was wondering if I could hire your boy to come and cut hay for me.”
My dad thought about it and said, “As soon as Gary’s finished with this field, I suppose he could come down and cut your hay. But it’ll cost you the wages of five men.” That’s the only compliment he ever gave me in my life.