Load Your Plate!

As you are thinking of filling up your “plate,” or your to-do list, remember to include using essential oils topically, aromatically, and as dietary supplements.
Here is another part of my success that drives Mary crazy. I put more on my plate than I can possibly do. Why would I do that? Because if I don’t load my plate, I will fall short some place.
I always plan to do more than is humanly possible. I may not accomplish it on a given day, but I will accomplish it. And as long as my plate is loaded, it keeps me working and keeps me moving forward.
Also, once you set your expectations high and you load your plate—don’t make excuses for not doing it. If some of the long-time members were here, they could tell you that they remember my coming home from Oman in 1996—Mary can remember this—and I said, “One day I’ll have a farm in Oman; one day I’ll have a distillery in Oman.” I put it on my list. Honey, have I ever not done something I said I was going to? Not always in the time frame that I set for myself, but I always set my expectations beyond other people’s expectations of what is humanly possible.
I do this because who has the right to tell you it’s impossible? Who has the right to tell you, you can’t do it? Believe and know that you can accomplish it. As long as you believe you can, know also that God creates things that happen around you to help you fulfill that, because God is not going to make a liar out of you. You’ve got to know that about Father. He’s going to support you in what you desire to do.
I just write it down and I put more on my plate and more on my plate and more on my plate. I love my buffet! There is no limitation in my buffet. So as you’re changing your paradigm, write this down: look at your buffet and see what you have put there.